Breaking the ice games: 10 ways to get to know each other!

Breaking the ice games list

Here's part one of the list of best 'breaking the ice' games and activities. The games are fun and are optimized for different volumes of groups. Make your introductory period unforgettable with these icebreaker games: combine action, play, laughing, fun and name games and get to know each other well!

Breaking the ice games for new groups and teams part 1 (1-10)

Ice breaking games and activities are fun and help to create a good vibe and positive atmosphere. It's energizing, motivating, helps to relax, breaks down social barriers, helps people to get to know each other and causes team bonding.
The list below contains fun icebreaking activities and games for new groups and teams and will help them get acquainted.

See also: 
Breaking the ice games for new groups and teams part 2 (11-15)
Fun group games and activities
- Name games

1. Balloon Bop
Fun group activity and name learning game. You need balloons.

Inflate a balloon and make a circle of all group members. Throw the balloon in the air and call someone's name and a body part which that participant has to use to keep the balloon in the air until he/she calls out a new name plus body part!

2. Whose Story is it?
A fun icebreaker in which someone reads various strange and bizarre stories and others try to guess whose story it is.

Hand out pieces of paper and some pens. Everybody writes down something strange or a cool personal experience, along with their name. Put the folded pieces of paper in a hat. One player is the storyteller: he/she picks three or four pieces of paper and calls out the names. These people stand up or sit on chairs in front of the rest. The storyteller tells all the stories. After that, the group asks different players to tell multiple stories or one in particular. The players on the chairs try to do this as entertaining and realistic as possible. This is followed by a voting round by the audience and continues until every story is connected to the right person.

Size of group: 6-20 

3. What White Lie?
Quite similar to the previous group icebreaker, this is a fun game that helps to get to know eachother.

Start with everyone in your group writing down two truths and one lie. When everyone's finished, all participants read their list of statements followed by a discussion for the whole team that has to decide which story is not true. The person that tricks the most people wins!

Size of group: in case of a large team, break in two smaller groups.
(Winners of each group play the grand finale?)

4. Circle of Speed
Great name game that involves speed and action. No props needed.

Gather everyone in a circle and ask for a volunteer. This person stands in the middle and starts the game with calling a name. This person (with that name) has to shout out a different name before the volunteer in the middle can reach him and touch his shoulder/arm/fingers. Switch the person in the middle regularly or let the people stand in the middle when they couldn't think of a name.

Size of group: 8 - 15 

5. Point and Shoot! 

A really fun game to play to break the ice and ideal for the final name game. You need a blanket or groundsheet.

Divide the group in two teams. Let two volunteers hold up a blanket in the middle in such a way that both teams can't see eachother (it's fun when they're all crouching). Each team decides who's going to approach the blanket. When both teams have decided, these 'shooters' step near the blanket and get ready. On a countdown, the blanket drops: who ever guesses the name of the opponent 'shooter' wins and takes that person to their team. The game ends when everyone is on one team.

Size of group:  8 - 18

6. The Big Wind Blows
Easy to arrange ice breaker group activity that causes discovery of interesting and funny facts about others. Extremely funny when the 'Big Winds' use unexpected and embarassing statements.

Place some chairs facing inwards in a medium-sized circle. The amount of chairs should be the total number of participants minus one. One volunteer starts as the Big Wind and stands in the middle of the circle with everyone else seated. He/She raises both arms and starts spinning around while saying 'The Big Wind blows [fill with true statement about person]', for example: 'The Big Wind blows everyone who has been to The Netherlands'. Every person in the circle who shares this characteristic including the volunteer Big Wind must stand up and search (run!) for a free seat to sit on. It's not allowed to sit on the same chair as participants were sitting before they started running. The person that's left over will be the next 'Big Wind'.

Size of group:  6 and up

7. Celebrity Guessing Game
Funny group icebreaker in which participants have to find out what celebrity name is on a label on their back. Requires pen and (sticky) labels.

Prepare cards or labels with famous celebrities or cartoon figures or let the participants write down suggestions themselves. Everyone get's a label stuck on their back and starts walking around in the room. Only 'yes' or 'no' questions may be asked. When someone guesses his celebrity, he/she continues to walk in the crowd for a certain amount of time.

Size of group: 10 and up

8. First Impressions Game
Similar to the previous but with a slight twist. This fun icebreaker can easily be used by large groups. You need paper and pens.

Stick a piece of paper on the back of all group members with their names on it. Give everyone a pen and let them walk around and say hello to all participants, introduce themselves, shaking their hands and looking them in the eye. After walking around for about 10 mins, repeat this procedure but with an added task: they have to write something positive about the person they've just met on the paper that's on their back (adjective, personal trait, etcetera). Sit down in a circle and let someone else read the paper of a group member. When done right, this should cause some funny situations!

Size of group: large groups

9. The Candy Color Game
This icebreaker is fun and delicious at the same time. You need colorful candy and some chairs to sit on.

Put colorful (more colors = more topics!) candy in a large bowl. Let everyone in the group take some candy and give them the instruction that they can't eat it yet. All participants then sit down in a circle and the group leader instructs one person to answer a question that depends on the color of a candy. For example, green candy could be 'hobbies', red candy could be 'movies', blue candy 'coolest or most embarissing moment' etcetera. The participant selects a candy and has to answer the question, when someone has multiple candies of the same color, he/she may give multiple answers. One color could be used as a wildcard: ability to share anything they like. When a participant is finished with an answer, he/she may eat the candy!

Size of group: up to 15

10. Straw Question Game
Get to know eachtother in this fun activity for a new group. You need straws, a cup and a marker.

This icebreaker is entertaining and simple. Mark some straws (around 25-30%) and put them in a cup. The amount of total straws should be similar to the group size. Stand or sit in a circle. Ask a fun question ('What would you do with 1000 ping-pong balls?' or 'What was your worst date ever?') to the whole group en let everybody pick a straw out of the cup. The people that picked a straw that has been marked have to answer the question!

Size of group: up to 30

See also: 
Breaking the ice games for new groups and teams part 2 (11-15)
- Fun group games and activities
- Name games

Suggestions for fun games and activities for groups? Please respond in the comment section below:

Office Now / Foter / CC BY (Photo reference)

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