10 Fun Name Games and Activities for a Group

fun name games for a group

Name games are ideal for getting to know each other and learning everbody's names. The list of name games below contains the best, funniest and most effective name games available. Do you know of any fun name game activities for a group? Let us know in the comments.

Name game 1: Adjective Game
Ideal group name game and icebreaker. Expect funny names and hilarious situations at the end. No props needed, just a good memory.

During this name game, one person starts with picking an adjective or set of words that describe him/herself as a person. There is one condition: this adjective or group of words has to start with the same first letter of their own name. For example, Jolly John or I like your sweater Isabel! The game starts like this: the first person says 'Hello, my name is Jolly John'. The next person says: 'Hi Jolly John, my name is Funny Frank'. The third person will then say: 'Hey Jolly John and Funny Frank, my name is I love apples Isabel'. Continue until everyone has said their name plus adjective. The last participants will have a hard time remembering all those (nick)names!

Size of group: up to 20

Name game 2: Group Ball Juggle
Group juggle is a fun name game and involves fast action. You need multiple balls and some 'unexpected toys/weird objects' if you like.

All participants stand in a circle. One person throws a ball to someone else while saying the following: 'Hi [other person], my name is [own name]. The person who receives the ball thanks the thrower [thanks John!] and throws the ball to another group member.
Speed up this game when everyone's accustomed to the names. Instruct everybody to throw the ball as quick as possible, maybe introduce another ball? Repeat this sequence up to as many balls as the group can handle. The introduction of unexpected (soft) toys as throwing objects is really fun!

Size of group: up to 15

Name game 3: Story of your name
This name game is fun and relaxing. Almost everybody can tell where their name comes from, a lot of the stories are very fascinating!

This name game is best for groups that have done several ice breaking activities. The activity can be done while standing or sitting down in a circle. Give each group member the instruction to tell as much as possible about the origin of their name or surname (or both). When there is not much to tell about a name, maybe the  group member wants to share something about his/her surname. Often, people tell fascinating stories about their name or surname. This name game can also be used to build intercultural respect.

Variation 1: let everybody tell their story to the person that is sitting next to them. This person will then tell the story of his/her neighbour.

Variation 2: Instruct everyone to tell about their pets, children, alter-ego or nickname.

Size of group: around 20

Name game 4: Balloon Bop
A fun name game for small groups. You need: balloons.

Inflate a balloon and make a circle of all participants. Start this name game by throwing the balloon in the air. At the same time, say the name of one group member and a body part which that participant has to use to keep the balloon in the air. When this person has touched the ball, he/she has to call out the name of a group member.

Size of group: up to 20

Name game 5: Circle of Speed
Fast paced name game for active groups. No props needed.

Gather in a circle. Ask for one volunteer and place him/her in the middle of the circle. This group member is allowed to move towards the other participants and 'tagg' them on their shoulder/arm/fingers. The name game starts when you yell a name. The person with that name has to call out another name before the 'middle person' will tagg him. Switch the 'middle person' regularly or put the participants in the middle that couldn't think of a name quick enough!

Size of group: 8 - 15

Name game 6: Point and Shoot! 
Ideal final name game for groups. This game is very entertaining and exciting since there's a big surprise element in it.

Make two teams.Two volunteers hold up a blanket in the middle of the room in such a way that both teams can't see eachother (it's fun when they're all crouching). Each team has to decide who's going to approach the blanket, crawling. When both teams have decided, these 'shooters' step near the blanket and prepare themselves for a classic 'gun' battle. On a countdown, the blanket drops: the group member that guesses and shouts out the name of the opponent 'shooter' first, wins and takes that person to their team. The game ends when everyone is on one side of the blanket.

Size of group:  8 - 18

Name game 7: (Smelly) Shoe Pile
This group icebreaker is really fun to play. However, when some smelly feet are present, this game is not really recommended :D.

Everyone in the group puts one of their shoes on a pile in the middle of the room. After a countdown, everyone runs to this pile and grabs a shoe (not their own!). When everyone has found a shoe, all participants have to find the person to whom this shoe belongs. Everyone has to ask three extra questions they are curious about to this person. When everyone is finished, let everyone introduce the person they talked to plus the answers to the three extra questions.

Size of group: 10 and up

Name game 8: Person and motion
This name game requires a loosened up group members that dare to move in strange ways :) No props needed.

Each player of this name game has to introduce him/herself by telling their name. Also, they have to make a move, do a little dance or any other physical motion that goes along with their name. For example, Lance starts. He says his name and performs his best dance move at the same time. When the first group member is finished, everyone repeats his/her name and motion [ Hi, Lance! ***dancing moves***] and the person next to him starts. When the second participant is done, everyone repeats that name and motion plus the first person's name and motion. Repeat this sequence until everyone has said their name.

Size of group: up to 20

Name game 9: General Name Game
Simple name game to get to know eachother. Really easy to do and a good game to break the ice. You need name tags and pens.

All group members receive a name tag and a pen. Instruct them to write their name on the upper part of the name tag. Below they'll have to paint three things that describe them as a person. Instruct everyone to tell their name and explain the three things they've painted on their name tags as well.

Size of group: up to 20

Name game 1: Adjective Game
Ideal group name game and icebreaker. Expect funny names and hilarious situations at the end. No props needed, just a good memory.

During this name game, one person starts with picking an adjective or set of words that describe him/herself as a person. There is one condition: this adjective or group of words has to start with the same first letter of their own name. For example, Jolly John or I like your sweater Isabel! The game starts like this: the first person says 'Hello, my name is Jolly John'. The next person says: 'Hi Jolly John, my name is Funny Frank'. The third person will then say: 'Hey Jolly John and Funny Frank, my name is I love apples Isabel'. Continue until everyone has said their name plus adjective. The last participants will have a hard time remembering all those (nick)names!

Size of group: up to 20

Name game 10: The Rebus
Fun name game for groups. This activity is ideal for getting to know eachother and tests cognitive capacities at the same time! You need paper and some pens.

Instruct everyone to make a rebus of their name on a piece of paper. Then, let them present this piece of paper to the group. The group has to solve the rebus as quickly as possible. Reward points for the quickest right answer. Divide the group in smaller ones when it is too big. That way, it can become a competitive battle between the teams!

Size of group: up to 20

See also:

Breaking the ice games for new groups and teams part 1 (1-10) 
Breaking the ice games for new groups and teams part 2 (11-15)
Fun activities for a group

Photo credit: Marco Bellucci / Foter.com / CC BY

Suggestions for fun name games? Please respond in the comment section below:

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